Sunday, Sunday!


SIMEONE: "We all know LUIS SUÁREZ. The BEST WAY to IMPROVE was to find someone who WILL BEAT MORATA in GOALS last season"

Cercle-doelman Miguel Van Damme heeft opnieuw leukemie: “Ik heb alle behandelingen die ik kan hebben al gehad” Cercle goalkeeper Miguel Van Damme has leukaemia again: "I have had all the treatments I could have had".

Third time around at 27. Poor lad. (keeper in Belgium's third league)

Union vor brisantem Torwart-Deal: Einig mit Liverpools Keeper Karius: Union on the verge of an explosive goalkeeper deal: agreement with Liverpool keeper Karius

The Dele-José story is far from over but the fear is Alli may have peaked at 21  — Sad. 

OP: Done. Work today. So enjoy your Sunday off for me, please!


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