jazzypom wrote in ontd_football June 5 2020, 08:10 6 Free for all Friday For the remainder of the 2019/20 season, Premier League clubs will now be able to make 5️⃣ substitutes instead of 3️⃣ The maximum number of substitute players on the bench has been increased from 7️⃣ to 9️⃣ Full statement on these temporary rule changes: https://t.co/PKVveZclca pic.twitter.com/9B5PE404wG— Premier League (@premierleague) June 4, 2020 According to multiple sources, Timo Werner will sign with Chelsea from #RBLeipzig this summer! 👀#TimoWerner | #Werner | #TransferTalk pic.twitter.com/Q34cY8vJFb— 18Bet (@18bet_) June 5, 2020 Just been told that Liverpool have pulled out of the “Werner-deal”, because of “financial reasons”. Team Werner have then turned to Chelsea who have presented Werner a package of good money of course, but also his position at the team.Clubs still need to agree a fee though— Jan Aage Fjortoft 🏳️🌈 🇳🇴 (@JanAageFjortoft) June 4, 2020 Cristiano Ronaldo Is Now Soccer’s Biggest Earner—and Its First Billionaire OP: Done. How's your week been? club: chelseaclub: rb leipzigcristiano ronaldoleague: bundesligaleague: english premier league (epl) 6 comments Post a new comment Error Comments allowed for members only Anonymous comments are disabled in this journal Anonymously Log in default userpic Your reply will be screened Your IP address will be recorded Post a new comment Post a new comment
6 Free for all Friday For the remainder of the 2019/20 season, Premier League clubs will now be able to make 5️⃣ substitutes instead of 3️⃣ The maximum number of substitute players on the bench has been increased from 7️⃣ to 9️⃣ Full statement on these temporary rule changes: https://t.co/PKVveZclca pic.twitter.com/9B5PE404wG— Premier League (@premierleague) June 4, 2020 According to multiple sources, Timo Werner will sign with Chelsea from #RBLeipzig this summer! 👀#TimoWerner | #Werner | #TransferTalk pic.twitter.com/Q34cY8vJFb— 18Bet (@18bet_) June 5, 2020 Just been told that Liverpool have pulled out of the “Werner-deal”, because of “financial reasons”. Team Werner have then turned to Chelsea who have presented Werner a package of good money of course, but also his position at the team.Clubs still need to agree a fee though— Jan Aage Fjortoft 🏳️🌈 🇳🇴 (@JanAageFjortoft) June 4, 2020 Cristiano Ronaldo Is Now Soccer’s Biggest Earner—and Its First Billionaire OP: Done. How's your week been? club: chelseaclub: rb leipzigcristiano ronaldoleague: bundesligaleague: english premier league (epl)