jazzypom (jazzypom) wrote in ontd_football,

news (and FFF if you wish!)

Matches in BST. For CET +1


News in tweets
Left Ajax for Everton due to Koeman
This is the first time I've seen what Pickford looks like. I just didn't watch Sunderland at all

OP: Cheers, jeers, corrections and all of that, you know the drill! In FFF news, our PM, Theresa May, is going to start Brexit talks when half of the Civil Service is leaving or in revolt, and she has yet to form a government because the DUP want their pound of flesh. Sein Finn says that the government going into coalition with the DUP risks the death of the GFA, but May and the Tories don't care. The last two years of their government should really have them charged with treason, tbh
Tags: club: ac milan, club: afc bournemouth, club: chelsea, club: everton, club: manchester united, club: real madrid, nt: england, nt: poland, nt: sweden

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