R.A. (the4thjuliek) wrote in ontd_football,

The top 100 footballers 2014 (Part 2 - Players #40 to #11)

The Guardian's choice of the world’s best current footballers was selected by a 73 global panel of experts from 28 countries (international players, journalists, broadcasters and Guardian correspondents). Today, they revealed Nos. 11-40, before unveiling the top 10 on Christmas Eve to complete this year’s list.

mrsvixen's post has the players from #100-#41: HERE

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SOURCE has a write-up on each player.

What of you think of the list, ONTD-FB? Honestly, on seeing some of the names and positions on this list, I'm like:

Tags: i can't think of a fucking tag, i love you all, oh god please yes, we need more tags, yes please

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