/人◕‿‿◕人\ (chrysa) wrote in ontd_football,

Hotel alarm puts Bayern out on Moscow's streets; Pep takes opportunity to take selfie

Bayern Munich are in Russia ahead of their Champions League game against CSKA Moscow, and the Bavarian giants had their night disturbed when the fire alarm at their team hotel forced them outside.

The team, however, appeared to take the inconvenience in their stride, and Bayern's official Twitter account had plenty of fun live-tweeting the hold up.

Perhaps that's no surprise; if you're stuck outside, what are you going to do but tweet?

And it took a while for the situation to be resolved. Fortunately, the players just wandered off to the nearest restaurant:

And when the pictures were uploaded, a shot of manager Pep Guardiola wrapped up in a blanket taking a selfie has to be one of the highlights:


lmfao the pic of Robben.

(lmfao thanks amor143x)

okay well now this is just going too far (thanks rare_lj....I think...)

I'm sure Russia 2018 will be just as welcoming ;) (gasp. what if that's actually Russia NT's plan to win the whole thing...)
Tags: club: bayern munich, halp, league: champions league, pep guardiola, ruh roh

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