lied_ohne_worte (lied_ohne_worte) wrote in ontd_football,

'Kramer asked me: Is this the final?'

He had a dislocated jaw at this point. I doubt that having that giant hang on his neck helped with that.

Nicola Rizzoli has lifted the lid on a confused Christoph Kramer and explained how he found out he’d be officiating the 2014 World Cup Final.

The Serie A official was handed the honour of refereeing Germany’s eventual extra-time win over Argentina in Rio de Janeiro, in a game that wasn’t without incident.

One of those in the first half involved 23-year-old Kramer having to be substituted soon after being caught in the head following a collision with Ezequiel Garay.

It was a change that as Rizzoli has revealed, came about after a bizarre exchange between official and player.

“Well, shortly after the blow suffered by Garay, Kramer came to me and asked: ‘Ref, is this the final?’,” Rizzoli has told the Gazzetta dello Sport today.

“I thought he was joking, he repeated the question and said: ‘I need to know if this is really the final’.

“At my ‘yes’, amazed, he concluded: ‘Thanks, it was important to know’. I advised [Bastian] Schweinsteiger and they replaced Kramer.”

From here, with more stuff about the referee

This is so scary/bizarre that I hope you'll forgive me for making it a post of its own. So, he played for about a quarter of an hour, with zeal that was lauded by the German commentator at least, without knowing what match he was in. And no one noticed.
Tags: nt: germany, what kind of fuckery..., world cup 2014

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