coppadelmondo (coppadelmondo) wrote in ontd_football,

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new person here!

Hello all! My name is Nicoletta and Im a Juventina. This is my first post here. I was looking and I found this site and it looks pretty neat. First I'm sorry for my English, is my 3rd language. But I hope that does not prevent me to know all of you! Why did you  start watching football and who support?

I also have a problem that you might be able to help me with? Im sure you know my favorite player Alesandro Del Piero joined Sydney FC. : ( I can never watch their games live because of my work and I can not find a download link for their games everywhere. All I find is highlights! I tried Rojadirecta and Google search and did not find, so I was wondering if anyone here knew of a download link for their games.? especially the one against Newcastle Jets since he scored in that. Would always be thankful if you could help me!
If you cant, that is ok. I will find a way! XD
Tags: !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!, alessandro del piero, halp, i love you all, nt: italy

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