Emma (crouchea) wrote in ontd_football,

Flawless Frank.

Two wonderful articles in The Times and The Independent, and the topic in question is, the one, the only, Mr Frank Lampard. See, when Fabio "clown" Capello omitted Frank on Friday in favour of Gareth Barry (...), the twittersphere was going crazy with people rubbing their hands together to the tune of "and we'll actually win now" and "He's Fat" and various bother basic phrases that are frequently tossed around the office and repeated over and over again as if they invented it. ANYWAY. The first is from Ollie Kay, who writes for the Times, and thus the online copy of this isn't available without paying. Which I don't want you gurls to do, as that'd give money to evil Murdoch. The second is from The Independent. Both celebrate a fantastic, fantastic man :)

There are some wonderful quotes from both of these =) And the second is spot on when they say that overall, Frank probably is cherished even more than JT. Like, when I'm at a game or in the company of Chelsea fans (or just drunk in a nightclub talking to someone), one thing I ALWAYS do is ask 'em who their fav current Chelsea bung is, and more often than not, it'll be Frank. Up until the 2007-2008 season, for me, it was Petr Cech (Stephen *unt trying to kill him brought out the ~~*~~protector*~*~~ in me), but when Pat Lampard passed away and Frank still found it in him to play that crucial CL match again Liverpool, play bossly and score an amazing flawless penalty, that was the moment he became my favourite Chelsea player. No-one can say he doesn't care. ♥

tl;dr but I think he's flawless and doesn't need to train a thing and haters to the VERY far left, thanks (thankfully it looks like Capello's grown a brain)

Finally, someone needs to be having words with CFC about their choice of "Chelsea Hero" to put for the new decade on the wall at Stamford Bridge. Having selected Lampsy as the hero of the 00s, they coulda had JT, Drogs, Petr Cech, anyone for the hero this decade. They picked...


"Need to train" doesn't even begin to cover it.
Tags: bungsten burner, club: chelsea, frank lampard, nt: england

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