hannah523 (hannah523) wrote in ontd_football,

Fantasy Premier League


Hello everyone! As you all know, there is less than a month until the 2011-2012 English Premier League season officially begins, so I reckon it's about time we get the fantasy league set up and rolling. Follow the cut for the details.

First thing is, I made that logo in about two minutes in paint, so if anyone wants to make a prettier one to use, feel free! I would like to make monthly posts about who is on top and how things are going and just discussion of it, if that's ok with everyone.

And now to the good stuff. If you would like to create a Fantasy Premier League team, look no further than here. Once you have created your team, you'll want to find the option to join a league. If you are confused, as I probably would be, I have included some images that I hope will be helpful. After you chose join a private league, you will need to enter this code: 218534-79729
Hopefully that will put you in our league and we'll all have a great time. Now for some picture guides if you need them.
Please note that your numbers will not be red. Also, excuse the poor paint skills. It's my fanciest drawing/editing software. Also, it would make things easy if everyone named their fantasy team the same as their lj-user name, but you don't have to. It is only a suggestion.

Now, I think it would be really fun if I could somehow offer a prize to the winner, so if I have some spare money at the end of the season, I'd love to buy the winner a reasonably priced prize relating to their favorite EPL team. UPDATE- I will buy the winner a scarf for their favorite team valued around $20. If I can't ship it to you, we'll agree on a different prize.

And I think that does it, so if anyone has any questions, or if I made a mistake somewhere, or you want to tell me how ugly this post is, feel free. Also, if there isn't a cut, I'm working on it.

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