My middle finger has a boner for you (katiekylie) wrote in ontd_football,
My middle finger has a boner for you

Diz is fashiun

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your prom dresses are inside ladies

Premier League

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You can tell no1curr about Manchester because of the cheap material used. Chelsea's dress is finally something cute about their team. The gooners dress is pretty much as disasturous as their current football. Liverpools is perfect, classy, ect.

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Bremens dress is getting ready for ST Paddy's day. Hamburgs dress is the new snuggy. Bayerns is adorable, cute, Alice in Wonderland. Schalkes is as basic as their team. Someone Asian is def modeling Leverkusens. Dortmunds is getting ready to skip in a field.

La Liga

The only two teams that play in La Liga obvs. Both dresses should be used as toilet paper.
No one likes Serie A so no dresses were made.

On to other random ones

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anyways post your teams merchandises, stuff you want to get, stuff you have, ect.


btw I found these at a random tumblr so they're not really legit
but I wanted to post them and we needed a post anyway so yw
Tags: fashion!, ontd_fb, sexo

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