is all about Wenger having an affair boys and girls 0_0
Le Boss is quoted as saying "this is a very private matter. I do not intend to make any comment and wish to deal with the matter privately" so he's obvs not denying anything either =/
Hands up y'all this is my bad! Serves me right for my schadenfreudean glee at @kickette's tweet from the Daily Mail about an injunction being lifted. I was even singing "Football Scandal Weekend!!!" only to find we're the scandal...
Karma...'tis a b!tch that will get you every time
Props to @tobymoses and @thegoonblog for "breaking" the bad news on twitter
Well he is a damn fine looking man:
uh pun
More to come when I have it (it's not up on The Sun's website just yet)
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