x (genbu_no_miko24) wrote in ontd_football,

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PAUL THE OCTOPUS's successor has been named and is French~ooh la la ♪~

The successor to the World-Cup predicting Paul the Octopus is French.

Seal Life aquarium spokeswoman Tanja Munzig says the new octopus, also to be called Paul, was born near the southern French city of Montpellier. He will be presented to the public next week.

The English-born Paul died of natural causes in his tank Tuesday at the aquarium in Oberhausen, Germany. He gained fame by predicting all seven of Germany's World Cup wins and Spain's victory over the Netherlands in the final.

Paul made his predictions by opening the lid of one of two clear plastic boxes, each containing a mussel and bearing a team flag.

Tags: i actually need the toilet, i climbed and conquered mount google, oh no they didn't!, paul the psychic octopus

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