I'd love to translate it for you guys but my Catalan is not 100% therefore, I've got SCREEN PRINTS and the jist of it (spoilers? not really but just in case) :)

La Diada...

does this need a witty caption? not really

Villa's character!

"Un crackovia sin guti...es como una discoteca sin cubatas!"

Mou's character


There's a little flashback on pep's and ibra's issues (they're fighting over a poet in that part, they later argue about pep's toothbrush)

GUTI and Sergi trying to skype

Notice how they updated Sergio's hair and Guti's is longer
sorry they're not the best quality, if I paused the video to screen cap, the big PLAY button would've been in the middle.
[at guti’s house in Turkey...]
g: What can sergio be doing?! I told him I’d get online at this time!
s: GUTI?! what’s up?
g: Listen dude, didn’t we say we would ichat (lol @ me, I’m a mac user, sorries) at this time?!
s: Yeah but I can’t see you, the screen is black!
g: Okay sergio, the first thing you have to do is open the computer so you can see me!
s: no! you you have to open it? okay give me a second
g: okay
[15 minutes later...]
s: What happened Guti?
g: have you opened your computer?!
s: yes but i can’t see you, there’s all these wires here!
[3 hours later]
s: yeah?!
g: have you turned on your computer yet?
s: yeah! what do I do now?
g: okay, now you have to go to my website: w w w. e a h. c o m, there WEAH! and then you put your pin.
s: and what is the pin?
g: pam
s: no, the pin!
g: the pin, is PAM, PIN PAM
s: listen dude, I miss you ):
g: me too ): --Side note, “petate” is like a good for nothing.
s: what was the pin?
g: pam!
[meanwhile in turkey...]
reporter: good evening everybody! reporting from Turkey. And Jose Maria Gutierrez, yes sir, Guti! is here!
g: I’m sorry but I don’t speak “turkis” *in accented english* I don’t speak turkis! (slang note: “paleto” is like a low class person)
repr: No, it’s me Jordi! from TV3
g: ohhhh a catalufo! (slang: catalufo is a derogatory term for a Catalan) it’s that with that beard and that accent you look like Ali Babba man.
reporter: (I think he says something about a hypothetical final between france and portugal, which guti does not understand lol)
[starts singing “I am spanish, spanish, spanish, I am spanish spanish spanish”)
g: I’m recording him with my cellphone and sending it to TV3, they’re going to catch him
rep: we’re still here watching the Final, this is a basketball party!
rep: no no, it’s only an expression
g: What a shitty party, where’s the music? and the drinks?! and the gogo dancers?!
rep: what do you think about the final?
g: listen dude, I only came here because there’s cameras and I wanted to show my new haircut! WEAH look, just like Luke Skywalker
g: there are the gogos
rep: no no those are the cheerleaders!
g: that that, they’re hot. A moment ladies! I’d coming
g: Where are you going? sit down, I’ve got work
/sings “cause this is Turkey!”
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