·He looks freaking hot.
·What he felt during the last WC match.
·The Queen visiting them and Puyol being naked.
·He also talks about girls visiting the changing room. (oic)
·He continues looking hot.
·They make him test an air ball to be protected from the defenders (brb buying one for each of my bbs, for their nt calls).
·He kicks Pablo Motos on the floor (and I thank him for it).
·He plays around like a kid.
·He looks even moar hot.
·They make him cook some oreo-gross-looking buñuelo kind of stuff.
·He is a mess cooking.
·He gets covered in chocolate.
·A smart lady wants to lick his chocolate-covered face.
·He obviously loves chocolate because he eats more than he cooks.
·He sings and dances a stupid invented song and is adorably cute.
Sorry it's in spanish. He doesn't talk much anyway. I really don't feel like translating everything, but if you're interested in a specific part let me know and I can do that. :D
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