Isa (corona_boreal) wrote in ontd_football,

A Diego Lugano video post (now UPDATED with Muslera, Fucile and Eguren interviews)

A couple of days ago, there was a ceremony held in Canelones, Uruguay, to honor Diego Lugano. Jorge Fucile, Fernando Muslera and Sebastian Eguren also attended. And Fucile... sang a little! XD

BTW, there were also interviews with the other boys, but I only found the bits with Lugano. For example, I saw on TV that a reporter asked Eguren about all the stuff they filmed during the WC. He asked, more specifically: "Is there anything compromising in those videos?". And Eguren answered: "No, we didn't do anything compromising. Besides, the cameras were off when we were in the dressing room, so..." (LOL, I don't think he realized what fangirls could understand from this XD)


The reporter says that the ceremony took place in a gym owned by the city council in Canelones, Lugano's home town, and that it was Lugano himself who wanted school children to be invited.

Lugano: They (the other players) wanted to be with me today paying homage to you, the children, because it's because of you that we want to do our best.

Fucile sings the WC Coca-Cola song (here in Uruguay that one is more famous than Waka Waka). The reporter explains that Godín and El Loco Abreu wanted to be there but couldn't make it because of a flood blocking the route.

Child: We're happy to have you here and paying tribute to you. Thank you Diego.

The reporter says that there were people from everywhere, not just schools.

Lugano: I'm very happy to represent this town and this country, and I love the new flag of the state (Canelones is a city as well as a state).

After the ceremony:

Reporter: There's so much happiness in everyone's faces.

Lugano: Yes, it's amazing. Even though a lot of people here get to see me on a daily basis, maybe the children don't get to see me as often. But I think we have a big responsibility, we have to inspire and share positivity with all the children of the country.

Reporter: Do you know what Nico (Lugano's child) told me? "I want to be like my dad".

Lugano: Oh... you caught me off guard... you're mean... You know... as a father, you can imagine, as a person, that's what everyone wants, that your child sees you like that. It's the most beautiful thing in the world. That's another big responsibility that we carry.

This one is also about the ceremony but it's out of synch... anyway:

Reporter: This is Canelones. Hundreds of school children, players of baby football and fans paid homage to Diego Lugano, the captain of Uruguay.

Reporter: That's how Canelones welcomes the NT!

Child: In the name of all the children I wanted to say thanks for all what you did in this World Cup.

Lugano: It's us who should pay homage to you, because that's the reason why we are here. All we do is for you. Keep on dreaming. If you work hard for your dream, no matter what your dream is, it will become true (TN: Here the reporter talks some more XD). I'm very happy to represent this town and this country, I love the new flag of the state.

Reporter: When people found out you would come here, they came to the station to wait for you, how do you handle all this attention?

Lugano: It's been an amazing week since we arrived here from South Africa, all the things we experimented go beyond anything we could ever imagine that would happen. It's incredible how people thank us so much and show their love. It's hard to find words to describe it. I want to tell people that it's us who feel grateful for how they show us affection. We talk with our team mates about this, send messages to each other, and we're like, "well, let's enjoy this."

Reporter: And it's people from all generations. My children are excited, but I'm a grown man and I had never seen a National Team who was so popular.

Lugano: We have lots of stories about that. For example, people who were really old and were crying of happiness as they thanked us; children very young who know who we are and say "¡Vamos, la Celeste!" ("Go Celeste"), and "¡Uruguay nomá!" (slang that means something like "It has to be Uruguay!" XD); people who were never interested in football and never saw a match but now became interested because of the NT.

Reporter: Have you ever experienced something like this before?

Lugano: I was lucky to get some important titles with Sao Paulo (Brazil), champion of America and the World, and when we came back to Sao Paulo (after winning the World Cup of Clubs title) we were touring the city for 10 hours. It was amazing. Then Fenerbahçe (his team in Turkey) is a team that has 30 million supporters who show a lot of passion. But living this in my own country is different. Besides, Uruguayans are usually kind of introverted and shy, it's hard for Uruguayans to go ask for autographs and congratulate you. This week it was different. I don't know why. It's the magic of football, the magic of this team maybe, that made people feel like they are a part of us.

Reporter: There is a feeling of belonging to something. How do you see it? Most of you play outside the country.

Lugano: Yes, but these are are roots. When you go far away, you feel more in touch with your country. Seeing what we have seen is better than getting the World Cup, because when you see how every Uruguayan here and in other parts of the world reacted, you feel proud of your country, your NT, your flag, and it makes you remember your traditions. Here, football is not just a sport. This month everyone was able to see that, during the WC and after.

Reporter: Do you feel a greater sense of responsibility now?

Lugano: Yes, not just me, but all of us. The welcome ceremony in downtown was incredible. There were no differences between social classes, political parties, it was just a country united saying thanks to 23 players, but more importantly, a country feeling proud. That means our country needs to find people to identify with who can represent them. That's why football ends up being something so important.

Reporter: You said you wished that in the future, being at least 4th would be like a duty and not a sort of heroic deed. That we had to work for that.

Lugano: Yes. We have a football-based culture, that we inherited from the first part of the XXth century. But our sin was to rest on our laurels (TN: after this he said we should work to get better like they did in other countries)

BONUS (this is a couple of weeks old): Lugano being asked about what it feels like to be a sex symbol XD

Reporter: We talked with Lugano about what is it like being a sex symbol.

Lugano: I'm not surprised because the ball works magic. It's not like I give it a lot of importance, even though of course it's good for one's sef-esteem. But I always stay calm, because the most important thing is that my wife has been thinking that (I'm handsome) for 12 years.

Reporter: Does she get jealous?

Lugano: No, no. We lived in Brazil for 4 years and it was the same thing. Then in Turkey it was the same too.

Reporter: So it started a long time ago.

Lugano: Yes, in Brazil and Turkey it was the same... I'm not saying it's like I'm a sex symbol, but that's what people say and we're used to it. But I take it calmly because I know that when you're doing well, sometimes people think you're more handsome than you actually are.

Thanks Tatiana for uploading these videos! And please forgive any typos or errors... I probably made some mistakes while translating but I don't have any energy left to check T_T

In other news: Uruguay's coach is most likely going to stay!! Woohoo!!


Muslera: I'm very glad to be able to share this emotion that we were able to bring from the WC with people from all over the country. It makes us happy to feel the love of so many people, especially the children

Reporter: Can you tell me one word or sentence that describes Lugano?

Muslera: He's the captain of the NT, more than just a great player. And he's showing that he almost owns this town.

Fucile: This is beautiful. We came to see the people to promote the foundation (the one they started), so we wanted to be present and pay tribute to Diego because he deserves it. He's my friend, a wonderful captain, and a player out of this world. This reflects the happiness of the children so that's why we came, because we want to support the youth.

Eguren: I want to take it camly, I don't have much experience but I have a lot of dreams, and it's the biggest challenge I have ever faced (he actually says: "us" and "we", but football players tend to say "we" when they mean "I" XD)

Reporter: Can you tell us what is there in those videos shot by El Loco Abreu? Because you're going to be selling that to get money for the foundation. Is there anything funny or that has never been seen before?

Eguren: There's a bit of everything. It's like our private life, so we didn't want to show that at first, it would be like showing the intimacy of a family. But since selling them would be a way of supporting the foundation, we decided to do it because it is important. So you will be seeing our daily life during the WC there.

Reporter: The intimacy of the team?

Eguren: Yes, the intimacies we can show, because El Loco was always filming everything and...

Reporter: Inside jokes or things you tell you each other, that kind of things?

Eguren: Yes, and also the music that we would always listen to, the food, the card tournaments, the ping pong tournaments. Everything you can think of that we were doing there.

Reporter: Anything compromising?

Eguren: No, because we never did anything compromising. In the dressing room and in the showers the cameras were off, so there's nothing. So well, going back to the foundation. This will be another way to finance it and also if someone wants to come and support it they can. Or if there are companies that want to support it they can come too.
Tags: i can't think of a fucking tag, nt: uruguay, video

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